Hydro rates have reached crisis levels in our province.
After more than a decade of mismanagement and disregard by this government, the people of Ontario have had enough. They have had enough of struggling to get by each month, and they have had enough of paying for your mistakes.
Since the Liberal government came into power in 2003, hydro bills in Ontario have nearly quadrupled. While the Premier continues to ignore this problem, families in my community are being forced to choose whether they can afford to eat or afford their heat.
This is a crisis that you can’t ignore any longer.
At the beginning of September I asked constituents in my riding to send me their hydro bills to share with the Premier.
The response has been overwhelming.
I hold in my hand more than 100 bills from families, seniors and businesses across our community. There is even a bill from the City of Oshawa who paid $150,000 for one month of streetlights.
These constituents felt strongly enough about this issue to take the time to drop their bills off or mail them into my office, and today I am sharing them with you.
I will ask that a page delivers these directly to the Premier’s desk because I want to make sure that she understands the reality for hydro users in Ontario.
Families in my community are tired of paying for Liberal mistakes on their hydro bills, and they are ready for action. It’s time that your government addresses this crisis instead of leaving my constituents in the dark.
Premier, the people of Oshawa look forward to your response.